Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Vegan day 24 - sick

Ugh, I have finally surrendered and admitted that I'm sick. I've been fighting something for about a week and this morning I just gave up and gave in.

I've slept most of the day, and when I haven't been sleeping I'm lying on the couch. I wasn't really hungry until a few minutes ago...but what does a vegan eat when they are sick? I usually eat toast with butter and chicken noodle soup and some ritz crackers...none of those are options today. I ended up having a pear, then realized I had some brown rice and quinoa that I could heat up with some vegetable broth. That worked out well. I'm also making some bean soup for dinner if I get hungry again.

I'm not sure what started this...but it's all stomach and body aches...I'm hoping I can make it 6 more days as a vegan, but I may have to switch to vegetarian after day 30 after realizing there are certain foods I like when I'm sick, and I can't figure out the right alternative. I also could be sick since I've been going and going and going...vegan, no coffee, no alcohol, working out 6-7 days a week sometimes multiple times a day...and to think, I was planning on going for a run this morning. Maybe I'll take tomorrow off too from working out and then start back up on Thursday...I just love running and yoga so much, but I need my strength and to go back to work!

Being sick stinks...and being sick while being vegan isn't as easy as not being vegan, but it'll be ok.

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