Thursday, January 20, 2011

Vegan day 19

I learned some new things yesterday! Some of the vegan foods that I've made reheat well, others do not. Examples that reheat well:


Things that do not heat well:
Pasta that is made with a lentil sauce

Unfortunately my delicious pasta dish from Monday, did not reheat well at all. I ate it, but the texture was totally off as were the flavors. So the next time I make it, I will be sure to cut the recipe in half so there are no leftovers.

This morning I noticed we have very little that I could bring for lunch. So I'm going to have to make due with a banana and almond butter, a piece of bread with peanut butter, and hopefully some rice that I have at work. Tomorrow is going to be similar, but I'll go shopping this weekend.

I've used up most of the greens in the house this morning I had some dandelion greens to make a green smoothie with...and no other greens. It's all working out though. I find it interesting that I was so worried about what would happen if nothing is's not easy, but you can totally do it...just not for long.

So day 19, tonight is a baked potato and some tempeh...and then tomorrow is another do what we can for lunch...but I'll be better prepared next week :) I am going to make sure that I don't become "lazy" and just eat prepared/processed foods...that is not detoxing!

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