Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 1 of being a vegan

I have a feeling that on the weekends I will type a lot more regarding how I'm feeling, what I'm cooking and eating etc.

I took my weight this morning which I was horrified at! Though being a vegan is a challenge and a way to detox, I do plan on keeping track of my weight as well as identifying how I feel physically. I do not have an objective scale for that right now. Right now I feel fine, a cough from a potential cold, but other than that I feel just fine.

I also realize that I am not doing this as a controlled experiment since I will be detoxing from coffee as well as alcohol. My goal is to drink green tea rather than coffee (so not a full detox from caffeine) but no other caffeinated drinks and no alcohol. I will be drinking water and sparkling water, and have already made some cucumber water.

Also, many of the recipes I will be discussing/making come from the following cookbooks:
Vegan Vittles
Vegan Comfort Foods

A few others will be recipes that I have found online, or foods my mom used to cook that I've turned into being vegan (like the lentil soup I'm making today).

So what is on today's menu?
Breakfast was a banana, some grapes, and some almond butter
I head to 90 minutes of vinyasa yoga in a little bit then I will make a salad I'm guessing with some chickpeas added for protein
Dinner will be homemade lentil soup (my Mom's recipe, slightly altered)
Dessert - tofutti cuties

To drink will be some cucumber water, poland springs sparkling water, and some detox tea. I'm really excited about this!

What else will I be cooking today you ask? A soba noodle salad to bring to work this week and potentially my own tempeh but I don't know yet. More to come!

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