Monday, August 17, 2009

Weekend updates & Monday commute

I failed at a second weekend blog, so I will combine it in with this morning's commute post. In short, moving stinks! I am happy that the move part & cleaning of the old apartment is over with. I am not very happy that in my new home I am still surrounded with boxes filled with things that I have no idea where they will go. Over the next few days those boxes will be fewer and fewer and everything will have a home. I am lucky that I had such great helpers this weekend, so thank you all for helping!

This mornings commute was a true rainy Monday commute. I heard the train as I ran down the steps. I jump in a car just in time and made the train. The blue line has doors that are unique, they fold in on some cars rather than just sliding. At the first stop, I went to step out to allow others off of the train and my umbrella got stuck in the door. Luckily, no one was trying to get out, so I was only embarressed and not an inconvenience to others. I did have a nice gentleman help me get the umbrella unstuck and I laughed and said sarcastically that it was a great Monday, he smiled.

I managed to be at work very early so that I could attend a new meeting that I have been invited to. It was only about 15 minutes long but quite informative. The rest of my day I plan on working on projects and getting all of that off of my plate...tired of having it there. Plus, on a rainy day like today, it makes sense to just stick at my desk and work on projects. Hopefully tonight I'll get some boxes done and tomorrow start up with my running again after a two or three week break.

Happy Monday!

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