Sunday, August 30, 2009


In Chicago there are very few perfect days, this weekend is a perfect weather weekend. Sunny, upper 60s, light wind. Of course it's not August weather, but it's perfect weather.

I started the day off yesterday with a nice short bike ride where I was quite confident (which is good since I haven't been too confident since I was hit in April). After that we (bf and I) went up to Boystown to go shopping for my friends bachelorette party next weekend. We had fun going into the different sex shops, found a boobie mold to make a cake with for the joint part next weekend. We wandered down in lakeview for some more shopping, then up to Lincoln Square for lunch with a friend to discuss the party. All afternoon we were outside and enjoying the day. Today is another day like yesterday, except I have lots to do inside. The windows are WIDE open to allow the fresh air in, it really makes me happy to have the windows open, especially in August.

This week is going to be an intense one, and I'm not sure I'll be able to blog each day, but I will try. End of month is tomorrow, internship starts Tuesday, class on Wednesday, internship Thursday, Friday is cooking for the party, Saturday is internship & the my first time for me is a week from today is going to count. Of course I need to find some time to run since I have a race in about a month!

OK, enough about me, this weather makes me happy, so time to get stuff done in the house so I can go for a run outside!

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