Friday, August 21, 2009

Somedays are better than others

How is it that at 9:12am I can already have conflicting messages about this day? I started on the right foot by getting snuggle time in with the bf, the dog & the kitty. That was followed up by some freeweights & ab work and a nice, hot shower. Short walk with the pup and the bf and then off to work.

Here, things are strange...with the invention of social media I don't always like things that I can see. It appears some people are expecting a bad day and they aren't even at work yet. It's Friday people, lets just focus on getting through the day and go home.

At least my bagel and coffee were yummy.

As for my plan of attack, focus on getting things done, walk to the lawyers office at lunch, come back and get more things done, go home do laundry then have a freaking beer!


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