Friday, August 14, 2009

Almost forgot!

Yes, it's only 12:54pm but I almost forgot to post today. I had some great observations this morning, but work has been rather busy and I have been VERY productive today.

My observation is in regards to the CTA in general. I have moved to my new neighborhood, well, still need to move my furniture, but close enough. Whenever I move to a new neighborhood I like to try different routes to get to places. This morning I decided to take the #56 bus rather than the blue line (el) to get to work. I also had a craving for an Einstein Bagel (mmmm) and the #56 would drop me off right in front.

First observation - #56 bus when 3 blocks away on a Friday morning took over 5 minutes to go those three blocks. There are at least 3 stops in those 3 blocks, plus it is a crazy intersection known as the Polish Triangle (Milwaukee, Ashland, Division). Milwaukee is also a cyclists expressway (which I love) so lots of bikes passing busses.

Second observation - #56 bus has lots of hipsters that ride it, I'm guessing since I now live in one of the hipster mating grounds.

Third observation - Cyclists on Milwaukee are bad asses. I mean, they just ride together in mass and go around busses and cars, it's awesome. If I still wasn't a bit skiddish from my bike accident in April (long story, another post perhaps), then I would totally be out there with them!

Fourth observation - busses suck in rush hour traffic. There really needs to be a bus only lane or something on some of these streets. Cars are jerks and don't want to let busses in; cyclists are everywhere and are going around; pedestrian's are walking all over the place - it's got to be hell to be a bus driver sometimes.

Fifth observation - almost half the amount of people who exit at the Ogilvie station get back on. I really had no idea how many people take the Metra and then CTA or vice versa.

Sixth observation - boys sit weird on a bus. I sat down in between two men on the bus and both of them had the wide leg stance going (while sitting). I squeezed in but was touching both of their legs...and I brought mine as close together as possible...they, on the other hand, did not, and stayed in wide leg stance.

Seventh observation - people ignore other people more so on a bus than on the train.

Eighth observation - bus is slower than train (duh)

So I will be taking the train I believe from now on, but it's nice to know the bus is an option! And those are the observations of the day...back to the chaos of work!

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