Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Ok, I'm a girl, and I understand that I need to wear stockings/pantyhose. It's a fall day outside, I decided to wear a skirt and put on my stockings. These have been washed once before so I've worn them once before.

For me, I'm lucky to get more than one use out of my pantyhose, and I don't understand why. I mean, I don't know how to wear them I guess since I always get runs in them.

Today, it's 10:30 am, these have been on me for 3 hours, and now they have a hole & a run in them. How? I moved too quickly in my chair and I felt the rip.

How is a person supposed to wear these things? And at $4 a pop, are they really supposed to be this disposable? This is why I buy the $4 ones and not that $20 because I'm only going to get one good use out of them!

How do women do it? I mean, I remember this girl in high school would wear stockings everyday, and she NEVER had a run. Was I not taken into the secret classroom that explained the proper way of getting pantyhose to stay on with ripping?

So pantyhose today with me = fail

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