Thursday, April 21, 2011

40 day - day 11

I am going through a number of emotions right now and it's becoming a challenge for sure. Last night I got home and decided not to go out for a double yoga day. I stayed in and did laundry in our basement too (which I never do because it's overpriced and, well scarey down there, and only one small washer and dryer). I just wanted to stay home. I made a healthy dinner...and had a few accidents that I needed to clean up (poor puppy). Oh and also, the cat decided to find a new hiding place, underneath our cabinets. So it was a good evening to stay at home.

A potential buyer of our building came in and he was not the nicest person in the world, throwing me for more loops. He flat out told me if he buys the building (but not at it's current price) he would be jumping up our rent. He also started insulting my cat, and when he was leaving pet my cat while I was holding him and said, "You're cute, even if you are a bit fat". He then looked at me and said, "I was referring to your cat".

Those two statements (there were others that bothered me but I let them go) really threw me for a loop. It added to my already odd emotional state. I started looking up condos to buy immediately to find an escape plan.

I need to just relax and not worry I realize this, but I ran from that moment (at least I am aware). This morning I was still dwelling on the fat comment and noticed that my meditation was difficult to focus on. I kept bringing myself back to my breath, but my mind would float. When it was time for my yoga practice, I opted to delay and wait until this afternoon. My left shoulder is sore today (where I had all the pain after being hit by a car) and I'm wondering where the root of that is coming from. Is it due to 11 days of yoga with multiple doubles or is it due to the emotional state that I am in with all of my emotions coming up from deep in my joints and now I've reached the shoulder? More to meditate on I suppose.

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