Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Yoga IS a workout

Whoever says that yoga isn't a workout obviously has never gone to a vinyasa class. I am so sore today! I miss this sore feeling. I'm looking forward to going to class again on Friday and I even purchased a few classes yesterday to motivate me to go at least once a week for the next month or two. I am not a fan of going to classes in January (or to the gym in January) with all the "resolution" people...I tend to workout at home for the month.

The short of this is, I'm sore. My arms, my shoulder blades, my shoulders, my obliques...all sore. After work today I plan on going for a run so I'll add legs being sore tomorrow to my list.

In other news...BC side effect updates. I'm emotional. It's difficult to have mood swings in my career since I need to remain level and calm. I did the best I could last night. I find that I get irritable very easily and need to calm myself down. That's another reason I opted to go back to yoga in a studio instead of just at home. I need to remain centered. Physical side effects have not come back in terms of the pain I felt on Thursday...but I'm wondering how much of that was just over-indulgence that I assumed was related to coming off the pill. Regardless, it hasn't come back yet. My face however, that's an entire different story. I have the lovely under the skin bumps...so my face isn't red, it's just bumpy. I'm making sure that I clean it well and I think I'm going to be trying all sorts of new products to see what works...but yes...skin is not very happy at the moment.

Overall though, I'm really positive and happy...so long as I don't get irritated :)

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