Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Holy sweetness High Fructose Corn Syrup!

I had a bad day yesterday. S'ok, they happen.

My bad day got worse when I gave in and had 2 fun size pieces of's in my house for Halloween and we now have 148 pieces of candy to give away because of it...again, s'ok, it'll be enough.

It got worse because my found memories of Milky Way and Snickers are just memories...because whoa was that sweet. It was so sweet that I got a tummy ache...from 2 fun size pieces of candy!

Do you know how many fun size pieces of candy I would typically consume around Halloween? More than 2 in one sitting, that's for sure.

I couldn't believe the reaction I had to it. No splotchiness thankfully since there was no wheat or grains, but it was way too sweet. Yes those candies are all sugar but a bunch of it had to be the high fructose corn was bad.

So I have learned that when I'm going to indulge I just need to stick with my organic, super dark chocolate and one piece...that should avoid the tummy troubles.

I also had gluten free pizza last night...ordered not made. That made things better :)

Lastly, I am going to identify as paleo...well my eating style...even though I still eat dairy. Some things I read said dairy is ok, others say no...but most of what I'm eating is paleo...and I'm not following the wheat belly thing 100% either so paleo makes sense to people. Saying no grains and really no beans and no sugar doesn't seem to make sense..."what do you eat?" is the response to that...but paleo is more of a "oh, ok...can you eat that?" response :)

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