Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 3 - detox

So far my headache has gone away. Woke up this morning feeling refreshed, it was nice. Followed waking up with putting too much pepper in the's ok, it happens.

The pup wanted to go on a short walk this morning, which was a nice surprise, thought it wasn't as cold as it had been. After the walk it was P90 time! My calves are hurting after day 3, but it's a good hurt. Nothing else is really sore so I feel like I need to push it more...but waiting until after this detox is done.

"Breakfast" was made by my fiance and he did a great job. Lunch was prepared last night and unfortunately I did have to use a microwave today, but I knew just a salad wasn't going to cut it for me. Today for lunch was 4oz chicken (coated in cayenne pepper), over 1.5 cups of lettuce with 1/4 of an avocado and 1/2 cup brown rice and the rest of the roasted brussel sprouts heated up.

When I was telling my sister-in-law about how wonderful yesterday's lunch was, and then while eating today she told me I must be starving for that stuff to taste so good. I think she's right. Nothing on my salad was really bland, but it tasted so dang good!

My co-worker keeps asking me how the detox is going, she asked me last night if I was emotional yet. I wasn't, until this morning. Totally over-reacting to emails, short fuse with people at work today, just a big ol' mess. I am thinking no more double shifts until next week when I am done with the detox. I need to keep my job :)

I do think that this evening, I want to make my smoothie, take a bath, and call it a day...that might help let out some of this emotion as well.

I am interested to see what tomorrow brings.

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