Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Yuletime blessings

On this Yule, I want to think back on the past year and look forward to the next. Yule brings the sun king, today is the longest night of the year and then the sun king slowly returns to bring his light to the world.

This past year had a number of things which brought people together, both positive and not so positive. It was a tough year, but in the end the light is growing brighter.

January began with my internship growing to more outpatient treatment in addition to the inpatient treatment I was doing. We also went hiking on the 2nd on a very cold, beautiful day. As January continued, there were a few outings, including my best friend returning from Argentina.

February was lots of internship hours, lots of work, little time for anything else.

March was very similar to February, with the exception of St Patrick's day which was celebrated at the Grafton with O.A.T. as per usual.

April brought some difficult times. The day I found out I was going to have surgery on a cyst, was also the day we found out my bf's father was in the hospital and very sick. There were many weeks where things were touch and go but in the end, he is fine (thankfully). I also had surgery in April, and while that took longer to heal than I had hoped, it has healed and has not yet returned. There was a positive in April, our friends child was born, and she is adorable!

May brought more internship classes as well as my last semester of graduate school and final classes (internship II and Grief Counseling). I also started a garden on our back deck (lettuce, tomatoes, basil, flowers). The traditional trip by my Mom coming Mother's Day Weekend, and that was absolutely lovely! The month ended with the bf's birthday.

June was a continuation of interning, news of a potential job in my field of counseling, going to a Sox game and Mayfest (which happens in June) was celebrated. I interviewed for the potential job, found out I wasn't eligible for it, then interviewed for another position at that place and got it. I took the position, had to say goodbye to my team at Cars (which was sad, I love them all) and began my new career.

July brought a 2 year anniversary with the bf, the end of my internship, a graduation with my family coming to visit and celebrate, and a Bon Jovi concert!

August was the end of graduate school (officially) and I began training for a half marathon for October 31. There was also Lollapalooza of course :) Work was not what I expected it to be, so I began looking for a position that was more my personality. We had a scare with my Mom and the big c, but it ended up being just a scare and not actually there!

September was the wedding of the bf's sister, the most amazing wedding I've ever been to. Beautiful and fun, lots of dancing and enjoyment! We attended a steampunk wedding of a friend of ours as well, which was lovely, but very different from the other wedding we attended. Oh, and another Sox game :)

October I ended up getting a new job, pretty much my dream job, and I was starting right after a trip to Vermont where we celebrated my brother's wedding (he had a small ceremony in September, and the party in October). That was a great weekend, perfect fall foliage, wonderful hiking...just lovely. When we returned home though, our dog was very sick and we had to say goodbye to him. It was a very difficult time for us, but we were able to make it through. We still miss him dearly, but we love him and still have him in our hearts! We also were able to go to a Bears game which lifted our spirits. Finally I ran my half marathon, not as fast as I had hoped, but I completed it.

November brought searching for a new apartment, adjusting to a new job, and going to the UP for Thanksgiving. That was an adventure (we lost our exhaust system on the way home) but what a great weekend. My birthday was also fun. Oh and I started doing hot yoga!

December brought the move into our new apartment, just the two of us...it is perfect...as is our tree. I finished knitting the never ending scarf for the bf, and started crocheting some items. December has been a fun filled month

For 2011 I hope for less scares and worries, and more fun and lovely times!

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