Thursday, March 31, 2011

Spring cleanse, day 4

The most challenging part is over! Two more days of a cleanse but food is involved now.

I want to try to express how I felt during the past few days of this cleanse.

Day 1 - lots of energy, excited about trying new green smoothies and an all vegetable smoothie/soup. Yoga bootcamp to cleanse the body (sweat) and spirit.

Day 2 - energy starting to fall, lots of emotions coming up, lots of thoughts creeping up, made a dinner of all vegetable smoothie/soup and could not eat much of it. Took a bath to cleanse the body, read a book instead of watching TV. Ran in the morning with the pup to cleanse the body and spirit.

Day 3 - emotionally drained, energy dropping, decided it was time to cleanse other areas of my life. Deleted old emails, removed the past that I was holding onto (the negative stuff) and began to shift my focus to the present and positiveness. Hot vinyasa yoga to cleanse the body and spirit from the inside out. Water and tea for dinner (no appetite) though I had to fight that.

I luckily had a friend to text because I was wanting to make a salad for dinner, but the cleanse was all about smoothies and water...I did not give into the urge, I managed to make it through the 3 days of intense cleansing.

This morning eating a bagel thin with almond butter was one of the most delicious things ever. Even though this was 3 days of intense cleanse, and I will do 2 days of vegan food (to transition back), I feel it is important to challenge our bodies and our minds like this. We can do so much if we just believe in ourselves. I wanted to give in, but a friend reminded me to stay strong.

We put so much emphasis on food, it ties in with our emotions, we celebrate with special food, we are concerned about what we are going to eat and when. Our bodies are made to go 40 days without any food, yet we are always so concerned with it.

Take a step back...yes, food is fuel that we need, but how many of us need that much fuel every single day of the year? Allowing myself to step away from that provided insight into me. It allowed me to let go of so much, so many things I didn't even know I was holding onto.

I feel lighter, more free, happier, ready to take on the next challenge.

We'll see how I feel after I get to clean the apartment :)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

More thoughts on cleansing

I'm on day 3 of one of the more intense cleanses that I have ever done. I'm reminded that completing a cleanse is not just about the physical aspect, but the mental, emotional, and symbolic ones as well.

I have started to shed some of the old from my life and try to focus on the new. I am trying to learn how to love myself for who and what I am, and let go of the things I am not fond of.

I want to clean my entire apartment, to ensure that the cleansing is throughout my life, including my home.

I am running or doing yoga everyday this week so that I might cleanse my spirit and get some sweat out.

I went through and cleaned up old emails, and deleted old folders that no longer have a hold on me. I was holding onto old emails from people who are no longer a part of my life, there is no need to keep those negative reminders around.

The emotional toll on me is pretty big right now, but I am working through and letting go. I dropped a few tears last night, a form of cleansing in and of itself. I am working towards being more open so that I can let go and be more free.

Even with the life I have and I love, there is always ways to improve upon the life, the love, and the self...and that is what I am trying to do.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Spring time, new cleanse

I decided that 2011 is going to be the year of seasonal cleansing. In January, as you will recall, I completed a 30 day vegan challenge. That went really well, and I have so many wonderful recipes that I get to use whenever I like.

This cleanse is much shorter...3 days and day 1 is done. I'm doing a full green smoothie cleanse for 3 days. I'm opting for fruit & greens for breakfast and lunch, and vegetable & greens for dinner. So far, today went well. I feel like I have more energy, yoga bootcamp went really well today. Tomorrow morning will be a run so we'll see how I feel then.

Breakfast and lunch was the same smoothie from "The Green Smoothies Diet" book, created by Robyn Openshaw, the Green Smoothie Girl.
Kale Tangelo Tonic
2 1/2 cups water
1 bunch kale
bag of spinach
5 clementines
1 banana
3 cups frozen mixed berries
lemon/lemon juice
agave nectar
and I added some hemp seeds too

Dinner was from the Raw Family website, the Soup Gazpacho:
3 leaves kale, stems removed
1 bunch basil
3 large tomatoes
2 stalks celery
1 red bell pepper
1 large avocado
1 lime, juiced
1 cup water

and I added some flax seed oil

Only water to drink...though I did indulge in some sparkling water.

My plan for tomorrow is an Arugula & Pear smoothie, and making some Thai Soup or Cucumber Dillicious soup for dinner. Of course, lots depends on how I feel during and after my run.

My next cleanse will be in the summer, either a 30 day green smoothie detox (2 green smoothies and 1 green meal a day) or another vegan month leaning towards more raw vegan...and the fall cleanse, not sure yet :)