Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Witnessing road rage

On my way to work today I was able to witness some crazy road I had my phone out to call 9-1-1 road rage. All of this was in my rear view mirror and it scared the crap out of me.

It all began as I was turning right onto River Road...the car behind me threw some trash out their passenger window (from the drivers seat). I shook my head at him but just kept driving. I then realized that car (a Lexus of course) had been really close to the line a few blocks earlier (two lane road) and was pretty close to hitting the side of my car. The road I was on is kind of thin for two lanes so I'm used to cars being close on that road, but I started thinking about that.

Now on River, it's a two lane road, I stay in the right hand lane...the Lexus took the left hand lane but was behind me. Cue the Nissan. The Lexus was riding the line and the Nissan didn't like that. The Lexus then began trying to cut off the Nissan, the Nissan then sped up and back and forth this went. The Lexus driving in his 50s the Nissan driver, in his/her 20s. The Lexus kept driving between the two lanes, swerving back and forth between the two lanes. Somehow, the Nissan was able to pass the Lexus, though the Lexus tried very hard to prevent that from happening and got REALLY close to my back end...somehow the Nissan squeezed in between the Lexus and me...and then the Lexus turned left at the light.

This all took place over approximately 1/2-1 mile of road.

This would have been freaky in general, but pregnancy makes me paranoid so I was super scared. That's why I have my phone out to call 9-1-1 but by the time I got my ear piece in (to follow the law when calling) the Lexus was turning left. I thought about calling in case the Lexus remained in poor driving condition on Belmont, but decided to just let it go and blog about it as an careful out there kids! Between the blood moon with it's eclipse and mercury in retrograde, I think that there are a ton of crazy things that could happen today.

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