Monday, January 3, 2011

Vegan day 2 - review

This morning I gave a summary from yesterday as well as this mornings plan so I won't repeat that...I will state that the Vega shake filled me up pretty well throughout the morning. There were some added snacks of raw almonds and a banana with almond butter as well as some grapes. The soba noodle lunch, AMAZING! Seriously, make that recipe :)

A hard workout of Yoga bootcamp & sculpt kicked my butt so I needed a filling dinner. I opted to rehydrate some TVP (textured vegetable protein), it is really easy, I just need to play with it for a bit. 1/2 a cup vegetable stock and 1/2 a cup TVP plus some liquid smoke. I followed the vegetable stock idea from the Vegan Comfort Food cookbook and I boiled the stock first per a website I randomly found. I ended up adding a bit more stock once all mixed together.

With that I needed veggies, so I made a stir fry with some brown rice. Ingredients...clove of garlic, green onion, jalapeno, red pepper, broccoli, edamame, mushrooms, soy sauce, cayenne pepper, quick saute in sesame oil and vegetable stock and a dash more of liquid smoke...mix it all up and delicious!

I don't expect to go into this deep of detail every day, but since I'm making new things right now, I figured I'd share it.

As far as how I am body is already feeling slightly different. My skin is not looking better yet, in fact, I feel it's all sorts of toxins coming out of my body through my other words, I'm breaking out. My skin does feel a bit softer already, though that might be psychological. My back felt stronger in yoga today, and in general my back feels stronger.

Tomorrow I don't have to be to work until later in the morning, my plan is to try making a tofu scramble, then lunch is more of the soba noodles and dinner is lentil perhaps an in depth tofu scramble discussion. No yoga tomorrow, but hoping to go for a run.

Day 2 = success!

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